November 26, 2010

Favourite things

I've been seeing/hearing a lot of blah blah blah about Oprah, and apparently she has favorite things. What makes her so special that everyone cares about her favourtie things? I have favourite things too - and if she can pelt you all with them, so can I. Just because she picks commercial products doesn't mean I have to either. I'm going to guess that she's got a whole pile of her favourites too, but I'm just going to list 10, mostly because no one is sponsoring me, giving me things for free OR going to read this and think "Hey, I should get these things!" It's purely an exercise in futility, but I'm okay with that.

1. Coffee
How can you go wrong here - it's hot, it's awesome and it has caffeine. No year is a good year without it. And even if it is a bad year, coffee will help you through it.

2. Flannel
You read that right. Be it blankets, sheets or comfy pj pants, flannel is THE way to go. It's warm, it's fuzzy and it's not a hair-magnet like fleece is. It's available in many colors and designs - allowing you to have awesome comfy pants that reflect your true personality. Yay for flannel.

3. Jupiter
Yes, the planet Jupiter. It's huge, it's awesome and it's out there RIGHT NOW just spinning around and doing what Jupiter does best. It has lots of interesting moons too.

4. Coffee mugs
Without them, my hands would get burnt while trying to get the coffee to my mouth and I'd cry.

5. Sketchbooks

I don't know about anyone else, but I always have at least one on the go. I'd be stuck watching horrible TV that my husband/visitors/family like watching and would end up being so sarcastic that they'd strangle me if I didn't have something to distract me. Also, I like drawing. No, I don't draw horses or unicorns or anything like that - I'd be hard pressed to draw anything like that - I draw abstract things. Don't go looking for my art in a gallery near you, it's not there but I do accept offers for those wishing to buy them. Well, I would if anyone offered that is. (Don't get all offended if you ARE my husband/visitors/family and I whip out the sketchbook - it's nothing against you, it's just what I like to do. It shuts me up (mostly) so be thankful I'm not yammering over your favourite shows!)

6. Cheddar cheese
Life isn't life without some cheddar cheese; the older the better. I can't say enough about how much I love cheddar cheese - so I just won't try. For all those that are lactose intolerant, I feel super sorry for you.

7. Gingerbread
Since the holidays are rolling in, the availability of gingerbread products has reminded me how awesome they are. Gingerbread cookies are awesome - and I prefer them without any embellishments - no icing, sparkles or whatever else. Just give me the straight gingerbread. I'm a fan of most ginger products actually, snaps, ginger ale, root beer and so on. I'm not a fan of super-sugary gingerbread, but I'll still eat it.

8. Toilet paper
Don't laugh - it's important. Without it, we'd be picking leaves out in the forest and running the risk of selecting WRONG. Though, you can go wrong with toilet paper too. Ready for TMI? I thought I was getting a yeast infection one time because the paper we bought was SO rough and horrible. Seeing as I'd never had an infection before, I was all panicked, and then realized it was ONLY after using the paper that I'd feel like something was going horribly wrong. I switched out all the rolls in the house with DECENT toilet paper and sure enough, all was well again. When you're a guy, it might not matter as much if you sandpaper off your ass hair, but when you're a chick, it's not just your ass that is getting mauled.

9. Plastic bins
Lame, I know but damn, these things are useful. I can sort out things, stack them away in a corner and wait for hell to freeze over. If it weren't for these, I'd have to use cardboard ones that fall apart, get wet and destroy things and don't have nice little handles and lids. If I were to chop up a body and need to get it out of the house cleanly, I'd be using a plastic bin.

10. Digital cameras
I've recently purchased a Sony a330 and I like it a lot. I can point it at things and take photos. I can give it different lenses. I can play around with the settings and make it do what I want. I like it, I like it a lot. I've had a digital camera for well over 10 years now and they're great. Taking hundreds of photos and then deciding which I want printed has saved me a LOT of money over the years.

1 comment:

Shannon McAwesome said...

Oprah's weird. One of her favourite things was Netflix. She was talking like it was this brand new thing--and no one in her audience knew what it was when she asked. Seriously? Geesh.

However, one of thing WAS a 2012 VW Beetle. Which is my dream car. Damn you, Oprah!, yes, I watched the episode.