April 01, 2010

All for April Fools.

Easter THIS.
Get a sense of humour!
We all need to lighten up sometimes, and make sure we remember that a sense of humor is VERY important in life. No really, VERY IMPORTANT. *Makes a stern face at you.*

A list of those who had a sense of humour today.
And DeviantArt did too! (Replacing everyone's icons with crazy stuff)

Not that I did any pranking today.
Nah, I didn't.
Maybe next year.
I'm zany all year long, I don't need a stinkin day for it.

It's finally happened.
Tonight, while watching a tv show, a Palmolvie bottle popped up on the screen, spat a one-liner at me and then dropped away again. What is next, split screen tv so there can be google ads along the side?

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