Oh look, it's back!
That's right, I've brought back the Insane Q&A section on TheInsaneDomain.com Now people can pelt me with annoying and insane questions, and I get to give them smartass replies. I can hardly wait and I know you can't either. Go on and ask me stuff NOW - http://theinsanedomain.com/Main/askjcp.htm
And a new list.
For some reason people keep searching the term "ways to masterbait" and they somehow keep coming up with my site. So to give them something to read, I made up this list to help them out. http://www.theinsanedomain.com/Articles/lists/masterbait.htm
No, I don't celebrate that silly valentines day thing. It's not my style. I don't like chocolate and I don't like having flowers slowly die in my house. Luckily, my husband knows this and doesn't bother doing anything, which is how he shows that he truly knows me.
Family day?
This Monday is apparently an official day off and called Family Day. We have to spend every other holiday with our families, why the hell can't we have a Loner Day where we get to be alone, enjoy something by ourselves and not have to hang out with our family? We all need time to ourselves to enjoy just doing what we want, and it seems like every time we get a holiday, we're supposed to go annoy relatives. Well I don't think that's fair. Let's give our relatives some much needed time away from us and celebrate "Loner Day". Take the phone off the hook, log out of your messenger and email and just do whatever you want without having to deal with any other humans. What a holiday that will be!
Typing with feet.
I saw a girl on TV who can type faster than most people I know and she does it with her feet. HER FEET. That is pretty damned impressive. Sure I'd rather not use the same keyboard as her, but then again I don't really like using the same keyboard as anyone else period. It's insane the sorts of things that can be found in keyboards, not to mention all the nasty germs on them. Turn your keyboard upside down and give it a shake and you'll see the sorts of stuff that gets dropped in there. Ick.
so i was um ... nose typing the other day? but it was slow. i suck. :(
Try using your feet! You only have one nose but at least a couple more toes. If that doesn't do it for you, try using your tongue, nose, chin and ears. Maybe that will speed things up for you.
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