Earth hour.So, now we all have to plan to spend time sitting in the dark? Maybe all those people who sat in the dark should shut off lights when they don't need them, recycle more, buy less and just generally live every day as though they care, not just one hour a year. Bah. How many people took the time to go outside and see what stars are hidden from them the rest of the year? Shutting off all the lights for an hour should be done weekly so more people can see the stars.
What I'm reading.Yep, it's come to this - me telling you what I'm reading. I've been reading a bunch of these new Dune books and have enjoyed them. It's hard to find new sci-fi stuff to read that is consistently good, and so far the Dune books have been keeping my interest.
Is it spring yet?This winter has seemed to drag on forever! Finally I'm starting to see the ground outside and be able to wander out there without piling on layers upon layers of clothes.
New list!There is a new list on TheInsaneDomain -
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