What’s with all the stupid pillows?
Why is it that people like to litter their bed with all sorts of useless pillows? You know what I mean, all those decorative pillows that get tossed onto the floor when the bed becomes functional. Maybe one or two can be dealt with, but what about all those people that have half the bed filled with these stupid things? I fail to understand why people waste time and money on them.
Oh sure, my FRIEND.
Facebook and other sites have a wonky definition of friend. When I see someone with a list of over 1000 friends, I can’t help but think “right, you personally know and consider EVERY one of these people your FRIEND.” The word friend is being sadly misused these days. Your stupid name on a so-called friend list does not make you my friend, and if you aren’t my friend for real, you’re not on my list.
Twisted sense of humour?
I was asked the other day if I have a twisted sense of humour. I just about fell out of my chair. HELL YES I DO. Little did they know just how twisted but they’ll learn. One day I’ll tell them about my site and let them in on a few more twisted moments. Sure I haven’t updated a lot in the last while, but who says I have to? It’s still good for killing some time if you’re bored and that’s all it’s meant to be. Sure no one comments on my blog here but I don’t need any. I’ll keep babbling on all I want!
Shut up you crazy bitches.
The worst commercials I've seen lately are those with the UK chick who has somehow found the biggest loser women on the planet and decided that they should all talk about how they have OCD issues with cleaning. The one even goes on about how she LOVES to do laundry. Whatever drug she's on, they need to up it until she OD's and dies. Then they yammer on about their toilet paper. WHO CARES?! Sure people like to have a clean house but we like to have LIVES even more. They all make me want to puke, spraying it all over their chemical-laden houses. Sure they'd probably get off on cleaning it, but I shouldn't have to hear another damned commercial about them.